A preflop hand trainer to help improve your pot limit Omaha and Omaha Hi-Lo Poker starting hand selection by learning hand rankings ordered by equity and profitability.
In Omaha Poker there are 16,432 combinations of starting hands and in Omaha 5 Card, there are 134,459 combinations of starting hands!
Many new players switching from Texas Holdem to Omaha have difficulty determining how good a four card hand in Omaha is. For example, a hand like KJ55 may look nice to a new player - you have two high cards KJ and a medium pair. However, this hand is actually not very good and is in the bottom 10% of all hands if it is unsuited.
Train yourself to play better starting hands using the two modes:
Guess the ranking of a random hand and see how accurate you are
Experiment with custom hands and see how good they rank
• Pot Limit Omaha
• Pot Limit Omaha High-Low
• Pot Limit Omaha 5 Card
• Pot Limit Omaha 5 Card High-Low
The hand ordering lists used are provided by ProPokerTools. You can read more about the evolutionary method they used on their website.
Indeed, the rankings used do not consider stack depth, position, playability and how likely each hand can reach showdown and realize their equity. As with every decision in Poker, there are a variety of factors to think about when choosing hands.
Seorang pelatih tangan preflop untuk membantu meningkatkan membatasi pot Anda Omaha dan Omaha Hi-Lo poker memulai seleksi tangan dengan belajar peringkat tangan diperintahkan oleh ekuitas dan profitabilitas.
Di Omaha poker ada 16.432 kombinasi dari tangan mulai dan di Omaha 5 Kartu, ada 134.459 kombinasi dari mulai tangan!
Banyak pemain baru beralih dari Texas Holdem ke Omaha mengalami kesulitan menentukan seberapa baik tangan empat kartu di Omaha adalah. Misalnya, tangan seperti KJ55 mungkin terlihat bagus untuk pemain baru - Anda memiliki dua kartu tinggi KJ dan sepasang menengah. Namun, tangan ini sebenarnya tidak sangat baik dan berada di bawah 10% dari semua tangan jika tidak cocok.
Melatih diri untuk bermain tangan awal yang lebih baik menggunakan dua mode: